07 work

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jautājums atbilde
pokryć koszty, zwrócić pieniądze
sākt mācīties
I was told that they are willing to reimburse my travel expenses.
zakres obowiązków
sākt mācīties
job description
I've received my job description now and it all seems very favourable [korzystny].
okres próbny
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trial period
After a month, I'll be on a permanent contact.
wiedza, umiejętność specjalistyczna
sākt mācīties
It is becoming increasingly difficult to get skilled labourers with the right qualifications, expierience and expertise.
akcja protestancyjna (strajk)
sākt mācīties
industrial action
The company has suffered this year from the industrial action in November.
przestać pracować (na znak protestu)
sākt mācīties
walk out
You can't go out, The society won't manage without doctors.
to try to save money by reducing the amount that you are spending
sākt mācīties
You could economise on food by not eating in restaurants all the time.
poprawiać wydajność, zwiększać efektywność
often by making the way activities are performed simpler
sākt mācīties
The company streamlined its operations and increased its profits.
sākt mācīties
Can you work ovetime today? There's a lot to do.
sākt mācīties
vocation for
Bill has a real vocation for caring for the elderly.
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fabrykant, producent
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wysoki rangą dyrektor
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top executive
kierownik (na budowie, w fabryce)
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trzymać kogoś w gotowości
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keep sb on their toes
odnieść sukces (np. finansowy, zawodowy)
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make good
She has made good in less than five years.
sākt mācīties
He overlooked a misspelled word and get a worse mark.
być u granic wytrzymałości, cierpliwości
sākt mācīties
be at the end of one's tether
She was at the end of her tether when she commanded her unruly [krnąbrny, niesforny] student to do the task.
very busy
sākt mācīties
on the go
I've been on the go all day and I'm exhausted
odprawa (wypłacana przy odejściu na emeryturę)
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golden handshake
She was given a golden handshake on her last day,
sākt mācīties
You are entitled to 25 days' holiday.
rozwiązać (umowę)
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This contract may be terminated at any time by you.
zawiadomienie, uprzedzenie
information or a warning given about something that is going to happen in the future
sākt mācīties
The next time you visit, can you give me more notice?
do uzgodnienia, negocjacji
sākt mācīties
If the salary is fixed, then it isn't negotiable.
sākt mācīties
The ceremony commences at 9. Please don't be late./ Unfortunately, he commenced speaking before all the guests had finished eating.

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