Article #81 Hobbies

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A lot of people have hobbies.
sākt mācīties
Muitas pessoas têm hobbies.
Hobbies are interesting things that people like to do in their spare time.
sākt mācīties
Hobbies são coisas interessantes que as pessoas gostam de fazer no seu tempo livre.
My father has a hobby.
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Meu pai tem um hobby.
He has a model railroad set that he put together.
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Ele tem um conjunto de ferrovias que montou.
A tiny electric train runs through make-believe villages and travels through tunnels and over mountains.
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Um pequeno trem elétrico atravessa aldeias de faz-de-conta e viaja por túneis e montanhas.
My father also enjoys sailing.
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Meu pai também gosta de velejar.
He has a real sailboat that he takes us out on.
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Ele tem um veleiro de verdade que nos leva a bordo.
He is teaching me how to sail.
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Ele está me ensinando a navegar.
I like to collect things.
sākt mācīties
Eu gosto de colecionar coisas.
I collect comic books, stamps and coins.
sākt mācīties
Coleciono gibis, selos e moedas.
I trade comic books with some of my friends, and sometimes I buy comic books at stores.
sākt mācīties
Troco gibis com alguns de meus amigos e às vezes compro gibis em lojas.
Some of the very old comic books are worth a lot of money.
sākt mācīties
Algumas das histórias em quadrinhos muito antigas valem muito dinheiro.
I have stamps from all over the world.
sākt mācīties
Tenho selos de todo o mundo.
Whenever any of my friends get a letter from a faraway place, they save the stamps for me.
sākt mācīties
Sempre que meus amigos recebem uma carta de um lugar distante, guardam os selos para mim.
I have stamps from England, Japan, Australia and even Russia.
sākt mācīties
Tenho selos da Inglaterra, Japão, Austrália e até da Rússia.
I use a magnifying glass to look at the stamps, and I keep them in a special album.
sākt mācīties
Uso uma lupa para olhar os selos e os guardo em um álbum especial.
I don't have too many coins yet, but I have a very old dime from Canada, and I have a coin with a hole in it from Africa.
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Ainda não tenho muitas moedas, mas tenho uma moeda de dez centavos muito antiga do Canadá e uma moeda com um buraco da África.
My mother used to collect dolls when she was a little girl.
sākt mācīties
Minha mãe costumava colecionar bonecas quando era pequena.
The dolls wore costumes from different countries.
sākt mācīties
Os bonecos usavam fantasias de diferentes países.
My friend John's hobby is painting.
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O hobby do meu amigo John é pintar.
He does oil painting.
sākt mācīties
Ele faz pintura a óleo.
He has even sold some of his paintings.
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Ele até vendeu algumas de suas pinturas.
He is a good artist.
sākt mācīties
Ele é um bom artista.
My friend Linda sews.
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Minha amiga Linda costura.
She has made clothes for herself and some of her friends.
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Ela fez roupas para si e para algumas de suas amigas.
Maybe Linda will be a fashion designer when she gets older.
sākt mācīties
Talvez Linda seja designer de moda quando ficar mais velha.
Sometimes people's hobbies lead them into their careers.
sākt mācīties
Às vezes, os hobbies das pessoas os levam para suas carreiras.

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