At work - No trabalho

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jautājums atbilde
Sorry to keep you waiting.
sākt mācīties
Desculpe por te fazer esperar.
What time does the meeting start?
sākt mācīties
A que horas começa o encontro?
I've finished my work for today.
sākt mācīties
Eu terminei o meu trabalho por hoje.
I'll be back in a minute.
sākt mācīties
Estou de volta num minuto.
Do you need a hand with that project?
sākt mācīties
Precisa de ajuda com esse projeto?
Could you please give me your opinion on this?
sākt mācīties
Pode me dar a sua opinião sobre isto por favor?
I need advice from the boss.
sākt mācīties
Eu preciso de um conselho do chefe.
também: patrão
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