Communication: Offers and invitations

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jautājums English atbilde English
Let me help you. Can I carry that suitcase? I'll take this bag, (shall I?) Shall I do it for you? Would you like me to get you a taxi?
sākt mācīties
Offering to help
Would you like/Will you have/Won't you have something to eat? (Do) have some tea (informal).
sākt mācīties
Offering e.g. food or drink
Yes, please. Thank you very much. That's very kind of you.
sākt mācīties
Accepting an offer
No, thank you. It's all right. I can manage.
sākt mācīties
Refusing an offer (of help)
No, thank you/Not just now, thank you.
sākt mācīties
Refusing an offer (of food or drink)
Would you like to have dinner with us? Will you have/Won't you have dinner with us? (Do) come and see us tomorrow (informal) What about coming/How about coming to our house? (informal) Do you feel like coming/Do you want to come to a party? (informal)
sākt mācīties
Giving an invitation
That's very nice of you. Thank you/Yes, fine. I'll look forward to it. Yes, that'd be nice/lovely. I'd be delighted to come.
sākt mācīties
Accepting an invitation
Well, that's very kind of you, but I won't be here tomorrow. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I have some work to do. Well, thank you very much, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm afraid I won't be here, but thank you all the same.
sākt mācīties
Refusing an invitation
Thanks/Thanks a lot/Thanks very much. (informal) Thank you/Thank you very much. That's very good/kind/nice of you. Thank you very much indeed. I'm very grateful to you. (emphatic)
sākt mācīties
Thanking someone
That's all right/OK. It's a pleasure/Not at all/Don't mention it. You're welcome (mostly USA)
There is often no answer after thank you etc. in British English.
sākt mācīties
Answering someone who thanks you

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