Friends 1

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be gathered
sākt mācīties
go to the place because of special occasion/ meet with other because of special occasion
We have gathered here to celebrate our anniversary.
to blame
sākt mācīties
saying that someone is guilty of doing something or as a noun fault or guilty
Don't blame yourself! / It's not your blame.
toe the line
sākt mācīties
to do what you are expected to do without causing trouble for anyone
Don't toe the line. / If you want to get ahead, you’d better learn to toe the line.
thread a needle
sākt mācīties
find the best solution to the problem
think outside the box
sākt mācīties
to think in a very creative way
wine cellar
sākt mācīties
small dark place where we can store/hold the wines
to spit on sb/sth
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
of course, for sure
They obviously hate each other. / Obviously there are small changes.
sākt mācīties
He considered the problem objectively.
obsession (with)
sākt mācīties
someone or something that you think about all the time
an unhealthy obsession with death
hang out
sākt mācīties
to spend a lot of time in a particular place or with a particular group of people
I like to hang out with you.
sākt mācīties
to recognise how good someone or something is and to value them or it
There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them
I/we appreciate...
sākt mācīties
used when you're thanking someone or showing that you're grateful
We really appreciate all the help you gave us last weekend. / (verb +ING) I appreciate your making the effort to come
be in hiding/ go into hiding
sākt mācīties
to be/go somewhere where you cannot be found
He was in hiding for more than five years before his arrest.
sākt mācīties
completely or extremely
What an utterly stupid thing to do! / She was utterly devastated when her husband died.
sākt mācīties
If someone is humiliated, they have been made to feel ashamed (embarrassed) or stupid.
I've never felt so humiliated in my life. / She is utterly humiliated.
bugger face
sākt mācīties
a rude phrase used to express great anger (usually about the man
Come on bugger face!
bugger it!
sākt mācīties
a rude phrase used to express great anger
polskie "Niech to szlag" lub "jprdl"
Oh, look, I've burned the cake. Bugger it! / Bugger it! I'm going to miss the train.
bugger off!
sākt mācīties
to leave or go away, used especially as a rude way of telling someone to go away
bugger about
sākt mācīties
a rude phrase meaning to waste time doing silly or unimportant things
Will you stop buggering about and get in here?
bugger someone about
sākt mācīties
a rude phrase meaning to treat someone badly by wasting their time or causing problems for them
Stop buggering me about and tell me the truth.
bugger me!
sākt mācīties
a rude phrase used to express great surprise
polskie "jprdl"
Bugger me! Did you see the speed that motorbike was going?
bugger all
sākt mācīties
very little or nothing
You've done bugger all to help. / How much do you know about marketing? Bugger all.
mean a lot to me
sākt mācīties
something has an important emotional effect on someone
It wasn't a valuable picture but it meant a lot to me.
to be on standby
sākt mācīties
ready to work or be used if necessary
lay on beach
sākt mācīties
have a rest on the beach and sunbathe
Lay on a beach.
Could I get...(food)?
sākt mācīties
asking for food or meal in the restaurant
Could I get french fries with ketchup?
sākt mācīties
bad condition/ looking old in bad condition because of being used for a long time or not being cared for
He wore a shabby old overcoat. / Your bike is really shabby, you should buy a new one.
not too shabby / not so shabby
sākt mācīties
used for saying that something is good
Druga odp. Nieźle jak na Rachel.
It was a not so shabby week for the team, who had three wins. / Not too shabby for Rachel.
sākt mācīties
left behind, or left without care and protection
Ross abandoned me. / The shelters are full of abandoned pets.
sākt mācīties
making you fell ashamed or stupid
It was so humiliating. / The government suffered a humiliating defeat in yesterday's debate.
have someone's back
sākt mācīties
to be ready to protect or defend someone
Good to have your back.
rough around the edges
sākt mācīties
something or someone that is not perfect, but good enough
My new car is a little bit rough around the edges.
sākt mācīties
special, successful
You're golden.
bum someone out - US informal
sākt mācīties
to make someone feel sad or disappointed
It bums me out. / That comment just bummed me out.
A little bit of this, a little bit of that.
sākt mācīties
trochę tego, trochę tamtego.
caught up in sth
sākt mācīties
so involved in an activity that you do not notice other things
I was so caught up in my work, that I didn't realize what was happening with my sister.
have me over
sākt mācīties
invite someone
Thanks for having me over.
to be around
sākt mācīties
being near of something or someone
Is Monica around?
cut into something
sākt mācīties
to take away or use part of a period of time or an amount of something
I don't like doing the shopping on Saturday afternoon because it cuts into my weekend.
blow off something/someone
sākt mācīties
to treat something or someone as if that thing or person were not important
Just blow off his comments, he's only joking. / Please blow off him, he's only joking.
bask in something
sākt mācīties
to take pleasure from something that makes you feel good
I'm going home to bask in the triumph of my idea.
to puke/to vomit/to throw up
sākt mācīties
to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth
It makes me want to puke.
It blew.
about idea
sākt mācīties
It's a bad idea.
about the idea
Because it's mean.
sākt mācīties
unkind or unpleasant
about information
sākt mācīties
To leak is also to give out information privately, esp. when people in authority do not want it to be known
You're leaking. / I've leaked him the secret.
return someone's calls
sākt mācīties
answering someone's calls
He doesn't return my calls.
sympathy pains
sākt mācīties
Sympathy pain is a term that refers to feeling physical or psychological symptoms from witnessing someone else's discomfort.
settle for something
sākt mācīties
to agree to or accept something, although it is not what you want
They were hoping to sell their car for $2000 but settled for $1500.
sākt mācīties
having qualities traditionally considered to be suitable for a man
It was a movie likely to appeal to a masculine audience.
appeal to somebody
sākt mācīties
to be interesting or attractive
It was a movie likely to appeal to a masculine audience.
sākt mācīties
all the time or often
She has the TV on constantly. / He's constantly changing his mind.
drop off
sākt mācīties
to begin to sleep
I must have dropped off during the show, because I don’t remember how it ended.
sākt mācīties
to make the same journey regularly between work and home
It's exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day. / My commute is very easy. There is an underground near my home.
I'm on the commute.
sākt mācīties
be on the road to somewhere
sākt mācīties
to purposely annoy someone by making critical remarks or jokes
I hate to be needled about my weight.

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