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lejupielādēt mp3 Drukāt spēlēt pārbaudiet sevi
jautājums atbilde
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sākt mācīties
přesvědčivý; Je to docela pádný argument, proč jít.
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compelling; It's a fairly compelling argument for going.
přinutit; Jako školák byl nucen nosit šortky i v zimě.
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compel; As a schoolboy he was compelled TO wear shorts even in winter.
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poultry: He rears rabbits and poultry in the garden.
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a passer by
službu na úpravu oblečení
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an alternation service
barvy v balíčku karet: srdce, palice, káry, piky
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four suits of a deck of cards: hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades
jeden proti druhému/navzájem
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one another (a group of people) vs each other (a pair); to respect one another/each other
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a straw
mít fyzické cvičení
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take physical exercise
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formidable/remarkable - if people, things or situations are formidable, you feel fear and/or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult
gramotnost, negramotnost
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literacy, illiteracy
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a thermometer
Do jisté míry s vámi souhlasím.
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I agree with you to a certain extent.
uctivý člověk (člověk); úctyhodná práce (věc)
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a respectful person (person); respectable job (thing)
prozatím, prozatím
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for the time being, for now

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