get ++

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jautājums English atbilde English
to get better after an illness or something sad
sākt mācīties
get over
start or continue doing something
sākt mācīties
get on with
succeed in making someone understand or belive something
sākt mācīties
get throught to
you don't know why other person is behaving strangly
sākt mācīties
get into
travel without dificulty
sākt mācīties
get around
succeed in avoiding punishment
sākt mācīties
get away with
being abel to live despite difficult situation
sākt mācīties
get by
fail to make enought progress
sākt mācīties
get behind
makes you feel depressed
sākt mācīties
get me down
avoid responsiblilty or obligation
sākt mācīties
get out of
talk to someone again
sākt mācīties
get back to
communicate with someone
sākt mācīties
get hold of
difficulties with someone
sākt mācīties
get into trouble with
finish something
sākt mācīties
get something out of the way
to do something unpleasant to someone becouse of past grudge
sākt mācīties
get your own back
remove something / someone that you do not want any longer
sākt mācīties
get rid of
be able to choose
sākt mācīties
get the chance
think of sombody
sākt mācīties
get the impression
understand the joke
sākt mācīties
get the joke
not understand a situation correctly
sākt mācīties
get the wrong end of the stick
learn more about someone / something
sākt mācīties
get to know
understand real facts about situation
sākt mācīties
get real
do more exciting things
sākt mācīties
get a life
not make any progress
sākt mācīties
not get anywhere
annoy someone a lot
sākt mācīties
get on my nerves
organize your self
sākt mācīties
get your act together
like each other very much
sākt mācīties
get on like house on fire
sākt mācīties
get on move
have a good relationship
sākt mācīties
get on
sākt mācīties
get the message
persude other people to do what you want
sākt mācīties
get your own way
start romantic relationship
sākt mācīties
get together

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