In a bank - Al banc

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jautājums atbilde
I've lost my checkbook, I would like to ask for another one.
sākt mācīties
He perdut el meu xec, voldria demanar un altre.
Could I order a new checkbook, please?
sākt mācīties
Puc demanar una nova cartera, si us plau?
I have to go to the cash machine.
sākt mācīties
He d'anar a la caixa.
I would like to open an account.
sākt mācīties
M'agradaria obrir un compte.
I would like to withdraw a large amount.
sākt mācīties
M'agradaria traure una gran quantitat.
Could you give me some smaller bills?
sākt mācīties
Podries donar-me algunes factures més petites?
Sorry, I forgot my identification.
sākt mācīties
Ho sento, he oblidat la meva identificació.
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