Kamile 16th March 2017 #8

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lejupielādēt mp3 Drukāt spēlēt pārbaudiet sevi
jautājums atbilde
Ile lekcji miałaś dzisiaj?
sākt mācīties
How many lessons DID you HAVE today?
wczoraj wieczorem
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yesterday evening
jutro wieczorem
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tomorrow evening
dzisiaj wieczorem
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this evening
pora roku
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sākt mācīties
autumn / fall
Dwa tygodnie temu złamałam rękę.
sākt mācīties
Two weeks ago I broke my hand / my arm.
dużo pieniędzy
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a lot of money
Nie miałam wystarczająco dużo czasu.
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I didn't have enough time.
Nie mam wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy, żeby kupić nową sukienkę.
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I don't have enough money TO buy a new dress.
mojej siostry zabawki
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my sister's toys
moich sióstr zabawki
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my sisters' toys
jej brata camochód
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her brother's car
jej braci samochody
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her brothers' cars
mojego samochodu koła
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my car's wheels
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a graph
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a table
sākt mācīties
a chart
pie chart / bar chart / (line) graph
ciasto jabłkowe
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apple pie
Wykres pokazuje, że...
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The graph/ The (pie/bar) chart / The table shows that...
Według wykresu...
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According to the diagram / the chart / the table,...
według mojej mamy
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according to my mum
Wykresy pokazują...
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The charts / tables / the graphs SHOW...
Wykres wyraźnie pokazuje, że...
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The line graph CLEARLY shows that...
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to divide
Wykres jest podzielony na cztery cżęści
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The pie chart is divided into 4 parts.
There are 4 slices of the pie chart.
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There are 4 slices of the pie chart.
kawałek ciasta
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a piece / slice of cake
Widzę, że...
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I can see that only 5% OF people TAKE a gap year.
Widzę, że...
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I can see that 300 000 Poles went on holiday to Germany in 2011.
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Połowa studentów lubi historię.
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Half of the students like history. / 50% of students like history.
Butelka jest do połowy pusta.
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The bottle's half empty.
jedna trzecia
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one third
Widzę, że...
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I can see that one third of the population speak English fluently.
więcej niż połowa
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more than half
mniej niż połowa
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less than half
więcej niż 10%
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more than 10%
mniej niż 20%
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less than 20%
Less than 20% OF students speak German fluently.
Zamierzam zrobić zakupy w Wilnie.
sākt mācīties
I'm going to do the shopping in Vilnius.
Zamierzam kupić nowe ubrania.
sākt mācīties
I'm going to buy new clothes.

Lai ievietotu komentāru, jums jāpiesakās.