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jautājums atbilde
oklepany - used very often or too often
Musimy wpaść na inny pomysł na tę reklamę. Ten slogan jest oklepany.
sākt mācīties
well-worn / trite / cliched
We have to come up with a different idea for this ad. This slogan is trite.
głośna sprawa
sākt mācīties
high-profile case
szeroko znany polityk
sākt mācīties
high-profile politician / entrepreneur/ company
na wysokim szczeblu
sākt mācīties
high-profile visit / meeting
rozpoznawalność marki
sākt mācīties
brand recognition
kampania reklamowa
sākt mācīties
advertising campaign
sākt mācīties
economically viable
marketing szeptany
sākt mācīties
wizerunek rynkowy
sākt mācīties
brand image
zostali skrytykowani w prasie
Zostali skrytykowani w prasie i wizerunek rynkowy ich marki bardzo ucierpiał.
sākt mācīties
to have a bad press/ to be given a bad press
They got a bad press/were given a bad press, and their brand image suffered a lot.
przyjmiemy strategie
sākt mācīties
adopt a strategy
zdobyć większy rozgłos
Przyjmiemy strategię, która ma na celu zdobyci większego rozgłosu.
sākt mācīties
We are going to adopt a strategy aimed at getting more publicity.
chwilowa moda
Te gadżety to była tylko chwilowa moda.
sākt mācīties
passing fad
These gadgets were just a passing fad.
najnowsza moda
sākt mācīties
the latest fad
obecna/aktualna moda
sākt mācīties
current fad
hit sezonu, krótkotrwała moda
sākt mācīties
flavour of the month
lansowanie produktu
sākt mācīties
product endorsement
Lansowanie nowego produktu, mimo, że kosztowne, wydaje się skuteczniejsze niż bilbordy.
sākt mācīties
billboards/ hoardings
Product endorsement, although costly, seems to work much better than hoardings / billboards.
the act of saying that you approve of or support something or someone (poparcie, aprobata)
2. the fact of a famous personn appearing in advertisiement saying that they use and like a product
sākt mācīties
to endorse
He hoped to secure quick endorsement of the plan from the president.
Darmowe gadżety
sākt mācīties
Free gadgets / (FREEBIES)
szerzenia informacji
sākt mācīties
spread the word.
chwyt reklamowy.
sākt mācīties
advertising gimmick / publicity stunt.
autora tekstów reklamowych
sākt mācīties
przyciągała uwagę
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
największej oglądalności.
Wywiad będzie transmitowany w porze największej oglądalności.
sākt mācīties
prime time.
The interview will be broadcast during prime time.
weszli na rynek
sākt mācīties
entered the market
pokonali konkurencję swoimi konkurencyjnymi cenami.
sākt mācīties
beat competition with competitive prices. /to shake up the competition
progu rentowności
sākt mācīties
break-even point
Wschodzące rynki azjatyckie
sākt mācīties
Emerging Asian markets
tańszej sile roboczej.
sākt mācīties
cheaper workforce/ manpower
Utrzymanie klienta
sākt mācīties
Customer retention
utrzymac klienta
sākt mācīties
to retain customers
Budowanie popularności/ świadomości marki
sākt mācīties
Building brand awareness
Stworzenie szumu wokół produktu
sākt mācīties
creating a buzz about the product
czołowa/ wiodąca marka firmy
sākt mācīties
flagship brand
wzmocnienie marki
sākt mācīties
brand reinforcement / enhancement
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
slogan / melodyjka - a short simple tune, often with words, that is easy to remember and is used to advertise a product on the radio or television
sākt mācīties
a jingle
a short, easily remembered phrase that a company uses in its advertisements, especially on television or the internet, so that people will recognize it or its products) (slogan)
sākt mācīties
viral marketing
sākt mācīties
viral marketing
Viral marketing is a sales technique that involves organic or word-of-mouth information about a product or service to spread at an ever-increasing rate. The internet and the advent of social media have greatly increased the number of viral
used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.:
sākt mācīties
to go viral
1popychać do przodu 2 napędzać 3 to cause someone to do an activity or be in a situation:
sākt mācīties
to propel sth –
The film propelled him to international stardom.

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