Mi rutina diaria

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Me despierto a las 6 y media de la mañana todos los días.
sākt mācīties
I wake up at 6:30 in the morning every day.
me despierto
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I wake up
Mi despertador suena y tengo que levantarme inmediatamente.
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My alarm rings and I have to get up immediately.
tengo que
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I have to
me levanto
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I get up
En la cocina tomo una taza de té y desayuno algo, generalmente un bocadillo.
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In the kitchen I have a cup of tea and I have something for breakfast, usually a sandwich.
Siempre leo las noticias en mi página favorita mientras desayuno.
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I always read the news on my favorite Website while having breakfast.
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Me encanta tomar mi café en calma en mi terraza, mientras miro el parque que está delante de nuestra casa.
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I love to have my coffee in calm on my terrace, while I look at the park that is in front of our house.
me encanta
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I love
tomo un café
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I have a coffee
Antes de ducharme me quito el pijama, después me ducho todas las mañanas, me seco y me visto, me peino delante del espejo y me cepillo los dientes también.
sākt mācīties
Before taking a shower I take off my pajamas, then I shower every morning, dry myself and dress up, comb my hair in front of the mirror and brush my teeth too.
me quito la ropa
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I take off my clothes
me ducho
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I shower
me seco
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I dry myself
me peino
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I comb my hair
me lavo los dientes
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I brush my teeth
Me gusta vestirme elegante.
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I like to dress elegantly.
Mi marido se afeita todos los días y yo me maquillo.
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My husband shaves every day and I put my makeup on.
todos los días
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every day
me afeito
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I shave
Antes de ir a trabajar, saco la basura y pongo el lavavajillas.
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Before going to work, I take out the garbage and put the dishwasher.
Para ir al trabajo tengo que tomar el autobús 29 y bajar en la décima parada.
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To get to work I have to take bus number 29 and get off at the tenth stop.
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sākt mācīties
En mi trabajo escribo cartas, charlo con mis colegas, contesto las llamadas telefónicas.
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In my work I write letters, chat with my colleagues, answer phone calls.
Después del trabajo voy a una tienda para comprar algo para la cena.
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After work I go to a store to buy something for dinner.
Siempre cenamos en casa con mi marido a las 7 de la tarde, después salimos a pasear al lago que está cerca de nuestra casa.
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We always have dinner at home with my husband at 7 pm, then we go out for a walk to the lake located near our house.
Nunca vemos la televisión porque preferimos leer algo bueno en la cama.
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We never watch television because we prefer to read something good in bed.
veo la tele
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I watch TV
leo un libro
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I read a book
Antes de acostarme me pongo mi pijama y apago las luces en el dormitorio. Siempre me duermo muy rápido.
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Before going to bed I put on my pajamas and turn off the lights in the bedroom. I always fall asleep very fast.
me acuesto
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I go to bed
me pongo el pijama
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I put on my pajamas
me duermo
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I sleep

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