My first lesson

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lejupielādēt mp3 Drukāt spēlēt pārbaudiet sevi
jautājums atbilde
kocham cie
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i love you
pocieszac kogos
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comforting someone
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a flatmate
nie toleruje imprez
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does not tolerate parties
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a cabbage
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a cucumber
spij dobrze
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sleep well
spij dobrze
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sleep well
uwazaj na siebie
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watch out for each other
milego dnia
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have a nice day
milego dnia
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have a nice day
tylko twoja
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only yours
co tam?
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what's up?
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chce do ciebie
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I want to you
co jutro jemy
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what we eat tomorrow
co jutro jemy
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what we eat tomorrow
ja tez
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I also
pomyslimy jutro
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we'll think tomorrow
bardzo sie ciesze
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was happy
o czym gadamy
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what are we talking about
ale pogoda
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but the weather
rozumiesz co mowie
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you understand what I say
nic mi sie nie chce
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I want to do nothing
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na prad
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rachunek za wode
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water bill
nie przypominaj mi o tym
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do not remind me about it
ubierz sie cieplo
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dress warmly
Chcesz spac?
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You want to sleep?
chcesz się założyć?
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you want to bet?
na pewno?
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for sure?
musza mi dac
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they must give me
jak bylo?
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how was it?
co robisz?
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What are you doing?
lubisz rodzynki w czekoladzie
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you like raisins in chocolate
spieszy sie do pracy
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I'm in a hurry to work
na pewno bedziemy potrzebowac
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we will definitely need it
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na pewno musza sie tez znalezc
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they must be found, certainly
Ja moge scierac kurz, robic pranie, zakupy
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I can rub dust, do laundry, shopping
odkurzac podloge
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vacuum the floor
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są rodzicami dwójki dzieci.
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they are the parents of two children.
Do starszej córeczki zrzekli się praw tuż po jej urodzeniu
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To an older daughter, she gave up her rights right after her birth
Do starszej córeczki zrzekli się praw tuż po jej urodzeniu
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To an older daughter, she gave up her rights right after her birth
W kwietniu tego roku urodził im się synek.
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In April this year, their son was born.
Tym razem para nie miała zamiaru oddawać go do domu dziecka.
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This time the couple had no intention of returning him to the orphanage.
Chłopczyk miał na twarzy dziwną wysypkę
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The boy had a strange rash on his face
Okazało się jednak, że w rzeczywistości są to oparzenia pierwszego oraz drugiego stopnia.
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It turned out, however, that they are actually first and second degree burns.
a także krwiak podtwardówkowy oraz obrzęk mózgu.
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as well as subdural hematoma and cerebral edema.
Rodziców malca faktycznie oskarżono o znęcanie się nad synkiem.
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The child's parents were actually accused of mistreating their son.
W czasie postępowania na jaw wychodziły coraz bardziej przerażające rzeczy.
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During the proceedings, increasingly terrifying things came out.
To an oder daughter, she gave up her rights right after her birth. In April this year, their son was born. This time the couple had no intention of returning him to the orphanage.
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It's an oder daughter, she gave up right after her birth. In April this year, their son was born. This time the couple had to change their mind to return to the orphanage.
For 4 months the marriage was "caring" for the baby, but one day he went to the hospital in Missouri ... A terrifying truth came out
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For the 4 months the marriage was "caring" for the baby, but he was given the hospital in Missouri...
The boy had a strange rash on his face. It turned out, however, that they are in fact first and second degree burns.
sākt mācīties
The boy had a strange rash on his face. It turned out, however, that are in fact first and second degree burns.
Jestem zmeczona
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I'm tired
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spac czy ogladasz?
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sleep or watch?
w tv leci program
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the program flies on the tv
opowiem wam dzis o katastrofie
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I will tell you today about the catastrophe
ktora miała miejsce w missouri
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which took place in missouri
musza się znaleźć tv, kuchenka
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they must find a tv, a stove
can lead
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może prowadzić
Musisz iść
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You have to go
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a bridge
i za mostem w lewo
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and left behind the bridge
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dziekuje za to ze jestes
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thank you for that you are
3 razy tak
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3 times yes
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Kierowca limuzyny, 59-letni Stanley Rabinowitz, zginął na miejscu. Ojciec panny młodej, Christopher, miał złamane obie nogi, w szpitalu
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The limousine driver, 59-year-old Stanley Rabinowitz, was killed on the spot. The bride's father, Christopher, had both legs broken in the hospital
Jennifer Flynn natknęła się na coś, czego żadna matka nie powinna być świadkiem - jej córka, Katie, została zdjęta z pasów.
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Jennifer Flynn stumbled upon something that no mother should ever witness - her daughter, Katie, was stripped off her seat belt.
zebrali się na Long
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gathered on the Long
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panna młoda
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on został skazany na 18 lat wiezienia
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he was sentenced to 18 years in prison
pycha / duma
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110 km
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110 km
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110 km
hej jestem patrycja i opowiem wam o powaznym wypadku
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hey, I am a patrician and I will tell you about a serious accident
waiting for you
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czeka na Ciebie
calym zdaniem powiedz
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in all, say
mow wolniwj
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free speech
tak po prostu, bez powodu
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just for no reason
że Cie mam
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that I have you
miło mi
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I am pleased to
Więc zamierzam je umyć
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So I'm going to wash them
czy masz zdrowy rozsadek?
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Do you have a healthy sense?
bez zmian, po staremu
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without changes, the old way
nie tylko ... lecz także
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not only ... but also
spacerowalismy w parku kiedy zaczelo padac
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We walked in the park when it started to rain
spodnie dresowe
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Sami przyznajcie, że jakby na to nie patrzeć, jego wypieki wyglądają bardzo realistycznie...
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Admit it yourself that if you do not look at it, its baked goods look very realistic...
co bys zrobil
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what would you do
dzisiaj opowiem wam o dwoch ciekawostkach z prasy
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today I will tell you about two curiosities from the press

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