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lejupielādēt mp3 Drukāt spēlēt pārbaudiet sevi
jautājums atbilde
sklep spożywczy
sākt mācīties
grocer's, grocery. They didn't have any milk in the grocery store.
półka, regał, konstrukcja do przetrzymywania czegoś
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rack. Remember to keep your luggage on the rack. She put the books on a rack. Hang you coat on the rack.
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a shelf. Put it back on the shelf.
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Book-keeper, accountant. She met with her accountant at 9:00 p.m., on a bench in town square.
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glucose. Then glucose pours into the bloodstream
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corn, callus. I have a corn on my foot from all this walking
uciskać np. buty mnie cisną
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pinch. These shoes are pinching my feet
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pinch. "I feel like pinching myself to see if I'm real," Bob said. Somebody pinched his arm.
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pinch. Add a pinch of salt to the soup
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bracelet. She removed her bracelet.
wycieraczka przedniej szyby
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windshield wiper
wycieraczka do butów
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wycierać się
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dry yourself. Your hair is wet. Dry yourself with a towel
drapać się po czymś (np. po nosie)
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scratch at. Football players often scratch at their balls during match.
insynuacja, bezpodstawne twierdzenie
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allegation. No evidence could ever be found to support the allegations
wytrzymywać (np. próbę czasu)
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withstand. Those whose fame have withstood the test of time
przyznać się do czegoś (uznać)
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acknowledge. I acknowledged that it was my fault.
uznawać coś
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acknowledge. Will you acknowledge him as your son?
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coriander, cilantro
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cumin. These beans need more lemon and a dash of cumin
skandować slogan
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chant. The audience was chanting the winner's name.
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timidly. Few people have come out to celebrate, timidly chanting the name of Mr Barrow or waving at the cars driving by
wstrząs (ziemi)
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tremor. The earthquake has ended, but some tremors could still be felt
ogrom, rozmiar np. problemu
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magnitude. He seems not to realize the magnitude of the problem. Our forces cannot repel power of that magnitude
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a snowdrift, drift. She went up on top of a 10 feet high drift. He fell into a great snow drift.
zaleta, atut
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asset. From that point of view his inexperience is an asset.
sprzeciwić się komuś, postawić się komuś
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stan up to sb. I know you're scared of your teacher but you have to stand up to him.
wystawić kogoś do wiatru
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stand up sb. - How was the date? - There was no date. She stood me up.
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cloth. This cloth will be perfect to polish the table. I wiped the chair with a damp cloth
krótko podsmażyć
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saute. You need to saute these red bells.
płyn do mycia naczyń
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dishwashing liquid, washing-up liquid. Use washing-up liquid to wash a dishes.
gąbka do naczyń
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czochrać, mierzwić, gnieść
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rauffle. He ruffled my hair gently.
ślimak (bez skorupy)
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slug. I saw a lot of slugs in the garden after the rain.
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a beard. I'm growing a beard
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lap. My dog is sleeping on my lap. The child sat on his mother's lap and listened to the story
skurczyć się
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shrink, shrank, shrunk. His pants shrank when he washed them. Don't wash woollens in a washing machine, because they will shrink.
szurać nogami
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shuffle. He shuffled his feet towards the exit.
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chilly. It's quite chilly outside. The day was clear, and slightly chilly.
wyłazić, wypełzać
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creep out.
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pull out. He pull out tissue from his pocket.
plątać np. kable, sznurki
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tangle. There was a tangle of cables behind the control panel
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to stroke. I stroked her hair. She stroked the back of his head.
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mumble. He mumbled something under his breath.
Nauczyciel zaszufladkował go jako niegrzecznego ucznia.
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Teacher labelled him as a naughty pupil.
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owl. Owls hunt at night.
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chic. This dress is really chic. Everyone on the party had a chic look.
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orzech włoski
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a walnut. He gave me a handful of walnuts.
wiedźma (o kobiecie)
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hag. Old hag.
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scribble. I made a special wall for the kids to scribble on.
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skurcz np. w mięśniach
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cramp. Muscle cramps can have many causes such as dehydration.
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tick, check. Please tick the correct answer.
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bushes. hey are watching from behind the bush.
deser, pustynia
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dessert, desert
breath, breathe
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breath, breathe
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agriculture, farming. We should invest in agriculture because it's developing really quickly. Farming needs to take a positive approach to environmental issues.
z przodu
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in the front of. She sat down at the front. I'm standing in front of this girl in a line.
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top up. He topped my glass up with wine
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nail. Drive/hammer three nails, one on each side and the third in the center.
wytrzeć np. naczynia
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wipe, dry up. Can you dry the dishes, please? Dry the table and put those plates on it. Could you wipe the table?
worek. Włożę wszystko do tego worka. Kupilśmy worek ziemniaków.
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sack. I'll put everything into this sack. We bought a sack of potatoes.
stały etat nauczyciela lub wykładowcy
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tenure teacher or lecturer. I am working hard to get tenure at this university.
wystawiać np. język. Nie wystawiaj języka, to niegrzeczne.
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stick. Do not stick your tongue out, it's rude. He kept sticking his head out of the car window, so I yelled at him
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refuel, fuel. Where is the nearest petrol station? I need to fuel my car.
Zatrzymać się na chwilę. Zatrzymałem się na chwilę w szpitalu.
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stop off. I stopped off at the hospital on my way into town.
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equator. Here, close to the equator, one day was very much like another.
płetwa. Ona kupiła nowe płetwy do nurkowania. Miał prawie odciętą płetwę, pewnie od sieci rybackich.
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fin. She bought new fins for diving. His fin was very nearly severed, probably from a dragnet.
odcinać, odcięty np. noga. Linia na wschód jest także odcięta przez drogę.
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sever. The line to the east is also severed by the road. Severed nerves in rats regained 80 percent of their functions in six weeks.
stopniowo, po malutku
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take it one step at a time
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outsmart. We outsmarted you this time
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badge. He carried his police badge with great pride
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thread. The film was boring but I liked the thread about the murder of a child. I'm following a funny thread on an online forum
motyw, motyw przewodni
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theme. James Hetfield often uses biblical themes in his songs. The theme of this book is a quest.
pamiętny, godny zapamiętania
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memorable. memorable experience. memorable performance. On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.
niezatarty (literary)
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synonim of truce
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suknia (np. ślubna), toga (np. sędziowska)
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gown. Ball gown, hospital gown.
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tame. She tamed a stray cat.
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mieć przyjemność coś zrobić
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be pleased to do something. I am pleased to announce the discovery of a new particle
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to announce. Tom and Mary have finally announced their engagement
wśród, pośród (formal)
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amid. Jenny lay amid the pile of cushions, in a deep sleep. Amidst tears she told me some of the details of the capture.
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wstrząsnąć (kimś przez jakieś wydarzenie)
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rock. I'm going to rock your world. The country was rocked by the shooting of the teenagers.
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rock. I rocked her to sleep in my arms. Waves rocked our boat
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invalidate, revoke. The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area
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favourable. We have had a favourable response to the plan so far.
znosić coś, tolerować coś
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put up with. I can't put up with his behaviour anymore. How can they put up with all these inconveniences
piekielny, cholerny (informal)
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infernal. Today you hear these infernal machines going night and day.
zamieniać się, wymieniać się
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swap. They swapped seats. After that, we can swap sides and have another go
rozkładać, rozpościerać
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spread out. He spread the papers out between them. I spread the map out on the table.
To była obraza mojej inteligencji
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It was an insult to my intelligence
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cuvette, litter box
używać sobie życia, żyć na całego.
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live it up. He's alive and well and living it up in the Bahamas.
spełniać oczekiwania
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meet expectations. live up to sth. I hope the film meets my expectations! e never managed to live up to his parents' expectations.
uśpić (zwierzę)
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put to sleep.
z boku, na bok.
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aside. I'll put it aside for a moment. She stood aside holding the door open for him.
w sumie, ogólnie biorąc
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overall. Overall, I think you did a good job.
z wyjątkiem czegoś, oprócz czegoś
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except for something. I like all food except for sea food. Everything was perfect about this suit, except for the price
mimo wszystko
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after all. t wasn't so bad, after all. After all, we found a solution.
prąd wodny
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stream, current. The river stream was too strong today, we didn't catch any fish. We were swimming with the current
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napaść, napad
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assault. She is the victim of a brutal assault. You should tell someone about the assault, you need help.
atak, natarcie.
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assault. Their army is able to stop any assault from air, land or sea.
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obejmować, dotyczyć
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involve. The financial reform involves only the rich. The defect involves all the apartments in that building.
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inhibited. Some workers were inhibited (from speaking) by the presence of their managers.
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persuade. The estate agent persuaded me to buy this flat.
reagować na. często zastanawiam się jak ludzie zareagowaliby na moją śmierć.
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react to. I often imagine how people would react to my death.
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flick. She flicked me at my penis.
spadać, obniżać się
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come down. he price of oil came down significantly last year. The prices will come down soon and then I'll buy this phone.
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an acquaintance. He has few close friends, but numerous acquaintances.
spotkanie w celu omówienia czegoś
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sit-down. We had a sit-down with new employees.
sumienny, staranny
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zaniedbać zrobienie czegoś, zapomnieć coś zrobić
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fail to do sth. He failed to remember his password. I failed to pay a ticket.
mieć na sobie
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to have sth on. He must've had on nice pants.
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to die off, vanish. Pandas are vanishing. If we don't stop the disease, these animals will die off.
przeskoczyć (not jump)
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leap. My dog leaped over the fence and ran away
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summary. Book summary. Susan, can you get the summary of today's meeting ready by five?
widzieć coś na własne oczy
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see sth with your own eyes. Ihey took all the money and left. I saw it with my own eyes. you can see the changes happening before your own eyes.
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concern. It doesn't concern you at all.
zerknąć, rzucić okiem
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glance. Can you glance through this report? Catch a glimpse
wnosić swój wkład, przyczyniać się
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contribute. The students contributed their own time to the project. He contributed to my problems and now he wants to help.
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altar boy, acolyte.
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subtly. She kissed him subtly.
narzucać, nakładać np. karę
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impose. Mother imposed a punishment on her children. This is done by people who impose their will on others
przejeżdżać obok
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pass by. When the accident happened, several cars passed by, but none of them stopped.
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overtake. The car sped up and quickly overtook him, blocking his way
chrumkanie świni, chrząkać
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rondo uliczne
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roundabout, traffic circle
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steep. The castle is set on a steep hill. It's dangerous to ski down these steep slopes.
to był ciężki dzień
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it's been a rough day
czysto śpiewać (nie fałszować)
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carry a tune
uprzejmy (z jokera)
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Czy wiesz jak to jest być sławnym?
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Do you know what it's like to be famous?
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rozczulanie się nad sobą
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self-pity. I mean it's so much self-pity Arthur.
robić wymówki
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make excuses for. I think you making excuses for killing that young men.
nie wiedzieć nic o czymś
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don't know the first thing about sth. You don't know the first thing about me, pal.
wybredny, marudny
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fussy. Jolanta is so fussy.
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leper. They look at me as if I was leper.
przepędzać kogoś. Nasz król przepędził go z zamku bo był zdrajcą.
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cast out. Our king cast him out of the country because he was a traitor.
wydalać (ucznia ze szkoły, członka z organizacji)
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expel. The student was expelled from school.
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a corkscrew
w końcu, nareszcie
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at last
środek odurzający
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dope. He took some kind of dope and he's high.
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detour, diversion.
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ring road, bypass. They are building a bypass over the railroad tracks. All the supermarkets are situated near the ring road
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the Mayor. Ken Livingstone was once a mayor of London
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saliva. I swallowed my saliva and turned away
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pilgrim. At this time of the year, there are many pilgrims in Rome
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spare. Do you have a spare set of keys? He has a spare tyre in his car
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obesity. Obesity is defined as 14 kilograms or more over a healthy weight
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contagious. The disease is very contagious
robić wydech
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to exhale, breathe out. Breathe out and relax your shoulders. He just looked at me for a moment, then exhaled.
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inhale, breathe in. Now, just breathe in deeply, please
brak, niedobór
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shortage of. he recent shortage of money made us suffer. There is a shortage of vaccinations in Africa
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rod. He picked up a metal rod and used it as a weapon
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a locust
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to isolate. He was isolated from the other patients.
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punchline. Ok, where is punchline?
przejść do sedna sprawy
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get to the point. Can you get to the point? I'm in a hurry.
punkt z którego nie ma odrowtu
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a point of no return. And then I realised that I was gettin to the point of no return.
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insufficient. The goverment subsidy was insufficient.
deklaracja wsparcia finansowego (dana organizacji)
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pledge. He gave our company a pledge, but hasn't fulfilled it properly
wyślizgnąć się
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slip out. I caught the fish but it slipped out.
zblizać się
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approach. I see it's approaching lunchtime, so let's take a break. The soldiers are approaching the enemy
zwracać się do kogoś czegoś z czymś
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approach. We've just approached the bank for/about a loan. She approached him with a million of requests.
osoba o bardzo jasnych włosach
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retaliation. The attack was a retaliation for their invasion. There's a difference between terrorism and a justifiable act of retaliation.
plama krwi
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blood stain. There was a bloos stain on a carpet.
przebrać się za kogoś
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disguise. The mother disguised her daughter as a princess. My brother disguised himself as a pirate
odkręcać np. pokrywkę słoika
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unscrew. I can't unscrew the top of this jar - it's really tight.
wyolbrzymiać w sensie trochę przesadzać
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exaggerate. She definitely exaggerates her make-up. I'm not exaggerating - it was the worst meal I've ever eaten in my life. Don't exaggerate - it wasn't that expensive.
powiększać np. przez lupę. Pomimo że Twoja skóra wydaje się gładka, kiedy powiększysz zobaczysz dużo małych wzniesień i dziur.
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magnify. Although your skin looks smooth, when magnified you can see a lot of little bumps and holes.
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viewership. I'm wondering what's the viewership of this talk show.
szkaradny, extremely ugly.
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hidious. They've just built some hideous new apartment blocks on the seafront.
smykałka, wrodzony talent
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flair. He has a flair for languages. You have a flair for constructing robots.
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expose. Stay at home if you don't want to expose to catch coronavirus. Police officers are exposed to danger
odsłaniać, odkrywać. np jakieś kłamstwa, przekręty
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expose. The fraud was exposed. Government lies were exposed a few years later.
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ongoing. This ongoing conflict has to be stopped.
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underway. Economic recovery is already underway
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indifferent. Why don't you vote - how can you be so indifferent?
powstrzymywać (coś przed np rozprzestrzenianiem się)
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contain. We've contained the virus from spreading. e're preparing a campaign to contain the violence in our city.
niesmak, zniesmaczenie. Edyta spojrzała na niego z niesmakiem.
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disgust. Jane looked at him with disgust.
odbijać się od czegoś
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bounce off. The ball bounced off the wall. The glass bounced off the table and crashed on the floor.
pory roku
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seasons. We only have four seasons.
krzyżować np. rośliny
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interbreed. If interbreeding is no longer possible, then they will be considered different species.
tarcza np. zegarka
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dial. The dial of my watch is broken and I don't know what time it is.
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to invent. Who invented the phone?
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quarantine. He will be in quarantine at home for two weeks.
stracić szansę
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slip a chance. You slipped a chance, sorry.
krztusić się
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choke. He started choking and I panicked
upiększać, lukrować
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sugarcoat. No one tried to sugarcoat it: bronze wasn't the medal the US team had come for.
rura ściekowa
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sewer. This must be a part of the old sewer system.
pozbierać się, odbić się.
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bounce back. Poor Tom still hasn't bounced back since the stay in hospital. Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.
podgrzać coś
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heat up. Her argument heated up the discussion. Let's see what happens when I heat it up
o wiele, zdecydowanie.
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He is by far the best student. They were by far the most important members of the team.
wykonywać (np. obowiązek, rozkaz)
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execute. I expect you to execute my orders.
ograniczony, trudny do zdobycia w danej chwili
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scarce. Food for birds is scarce in winter. Food and clean water were becoming scarce
być surowym dla kogoś.
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be hard on sb. Don't be so hard on yourself, it's not your fault.
zastosować, stosować.
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apply. We won't really be able to apply it until it's completed. We can apply this solution in different situations
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application. What is the application of the device? What is the application of the device?
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bewitch. He was bewitched by her beauty
powstrzymać wirusa
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contain the virus
złapać w sidła np. zwierzę
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to ensnare. She is always looking for an opportunity to ensnare him. Spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs
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ligament. He tore a cruciet ligament in his right knee.
obręcz, pierścień np. z metal, drewna, plastiku
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hoop. The dogs had been trained to jump through hoops.
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bugger. The stupid bugger's given me the wrong ticket!
piętrzyć się, nagromadzać się np. o problemach, długach
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mount. My duties are mounting but I don't have time to deal with them. Don't let your problems mount and overwhelm you.
siła woli
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willpower. It took all her willpower to remain calm.
upoważniać się
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entitle. He entitled me to run his company in his absence.
rozkładać np. mape, rozwijać
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unfold. Unfold the umbrella, it's raining. He unfolded the map on the table
roztaczać się (o widoku)
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unfold. A stunning view unfolded in front of our eyes.
o do something too soon, especially without thinking carefully about it
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jump the gun. They've only just met - isn't it jumping the gun to be talking about marriage already?
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bug. We still don't know if it really is a bug.
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mięso dzikich zwierząr
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godzina policyjna
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curfew. Make sure you will return home before the curfew.
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kerb, curb. A small black car was parked by the kerb.
ograniczenia (na)
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curb on. You must try to put a curb on your bad temper/spending habits.
przesunąć, przestawić coś z jednej pozycji na drugą
sākt mācīties
shift. The wind is expected to shift (to the east) tomorrow.
wyniki, rezultat
sākt mācīties
outcome. Not everyone is pleased with the outcome of the election.
sposób myślenia
sākt mācīties
mindset. It's extraordinary how hard it is to change the mindset of the public and the press
obalać np. teorię, udowadniać fałszywość (formal)
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
undermine. He was punished because he undermined his teacher's authority
przetwarzać np. informację
sākt mācīties
process. My computer is very old, it will process the information for an hour. Your brain can process 250 words per minute.
wychodzić na jaw, wyłaniać się
sākt mācīties
emerge. I was really surprised when the truth emerged. The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
zarazić się
sākt mācīties
contract. She contracted a dangerous virus in Africa.
pokój wypoczynkowy, poczekalnia (np. dla nauczycieli, na lotnisku)
sākt mācīties
lounge. He's waiting for you in the lounge.
sākt mācīties
departures. Be at the gate at least 30 minutes prior to departure.
sākt mācīties
odlatywać, odjeżdżać (o samolocie, pociągu)
sākt mācīties
depart. The train departs from the platform number two.
sākt mācīties
hull. The hull has been damaged in several places.
odbiór bagażu
sākt mācīties
baggage claim. Pick up your suitcase at the baggage reclaim
sākt mācīties
attendant. Please make sure your attendant is with you at all times.
schowek na bagaż podręczny
sākt mācīties
overhead bin (or locker)
siedzenia w samolocie
sākt mācīties
aisle seat, window seat
sākt mācīties
change. layover. We are flying to Greece indirectly, we have a change in Berlin.
złe samopoczucie z powodu różnicy między strefami czasowymi
sākt mācīties
jet lag
sākt mācīties
turbulence, bumpy flight
niekończący się
sākt mācīties
endless. A teacher has to have endless patience.
wpływać na coś
sākt mācīties
impact. Facebook impacts the whole world. Poor nutrition will negatively impact your health.
sākt mācīties
cousin. That's my cousin, Pete
przywiązany do
sākt mācīties
attached to. e's a child who's too attached to his mother.
przesłać kasę drogą elektroniczną
sākt mācīties
wire. I wired the money to you, check your account.
sākt mācīties
foundations. The workers have already laid the foundations of our house.
przesłuchiwać kogoś.
sākt mācīties
interrogate, quesion. hey questioned him for hours until he fainted from exhaustion. ur first task will surely be to interrogate the prisoners.
sākt mācīties
testimony. She gave testimony and it turned out that she has an alibi.
sākt mācīties
to testify. He refused to testify against his wife.
sekcja zwłok
sākt mācīties
post-mortem examination
kosa (taka do zboża)
sākt mācīties
scythe. Death stood up, and reached for his scythe.
sākt mācīties
to threaten. They threatened to kill my family.
sākt mācīties
spark. He is getting better - I can see it by the spark of life in his eyes.
egzekwować, wymuszać
sākt mācīties
enforce. I enforced the discipline on my children by punishing and rewarding them.
lepszy, ponadprzeciętny, o wysokiej jakośći
sākt mācīties
superior. This product was of superior quality.
skondensować czyli np skracać
sākt mācīties
wyczarować przy użyciu magii
sākt mācīties
conjure (up). You cannot expect them to conjure up something within a few months.
zaległy, nieuregulowany np. rachunek
sākt mācīties
outstanding. You should pay all outstanding bills
opóźniony, zaległy np. pensja
sākt mācīties
overdue. His former employer delays sending him an overdue payment.
sākt mācīties
provide. He is the provider in his family.
pasować do czegoś
sākt mācīties
suit. Men suit to some things, women suit to others. Do you think these shoes suit my purse?
praworządny, przestrzegający prawa
sākt mācīties
Czy rozmawiałeś ostatnio z (miałeś kontakt)
sākt mācīties
hear from. Have you heard from Steve recently?
kontaktować się kimś (INFORMAL PHRASAL VERB)
sākt mācīties
hit sb up. I'll finish work and I'll hit you up.
sākt mācīties
taxpayer. Should taxpayers' money be used to support research on technology?
decydujesz się czy nie
sākt mācīties
take it or leave it. I'm offering you $200 - take it or leave it
dostać wypłatę
sākt mācīties
get paid. It's hobby, you get paid for a job.
szczery, niepozorowany
sākt mācīties
candid. You need to be talking in a candid way about who's going to do what. Mr Belford was vary candid.
praca zdalna
sākt mācīties
remote work. We were forced to remote work durin coronavirus.
klęska głodu
sākt mācīties
famine. In that year five million Chinese people died in the famine.
sākt mācīties
a swamp. When it rains, the fields turn into a giant swamp.
sākt mācīties
predecessor. I'm glad you find the death of my predecessor so amusing.
donosiciel, kapuś, kabel
sākt mācīties
zaakceptować coś oficjalnie
sākt mācīties
sign off on sth. The CEO personally signs off on every senior promotion.
rzucić coś z dnia na dzień
sākt mācīties
quit cold turkey
bezludny, opusztoszały
sākt mācīties
deserted. London is deserted due to coronavirus.
pojmować (rozumem)
sākt mācīties
comprehend. My parents say they cannot comprehend today's music.
od zera, od początku
sākt mācīties
from scratch. We had to start from scratch
zmagać się
sākt mācīties
struggle. They struggled with poverty for years.
sianie paniki
sākt mācīties
fala (pływ)
sākt mācīties
tide. The big tide swept everyone from the beach
zdany na siebie
sākt mācīties
stranded. During the storm, stranded passengers slept at the airport
rozbudować, powiększać
sākt mācīties
extend. We plan to extend the living room by five feet.
mylący, wprowadzający w błąd
sākt mācīties
misleading. The advertisement was misleading to the customers.
sākt mācīties
to participate. Did you participate in the competition?
uczestniczyć w
sākt mācīties
take part in
przewidywanie, zdolność przewidywania
sākt mācīties
foresight. She'd had the foresight to sell her apartment just before the housing market collapsed.
pasować, np. do siebie
sākt mācīties
match. I'm afraid that we don't match to each other
sākt mācīties
origin. He's of American origin. What's the origin of this word?
sākt mācīties
originate. My grandmother's jewellery originates from the 19th century.
sākt mācīties
margine. Our increased profits are due to improved margins and successful cost control.
sākt mācīties
indecency. Such a indecency.
sākt mācīties
fanfare. Her birthday was announced with much fanfare.
niepokój, konsternacja, przerażenie
sākt mācīties
dismay. note with dismay that his election may be harmful to our country
opiekun osoby starszej lub niepełnosprawnej
sākt mācīties
carer. She's the primary caregiver for her grandmother.
sākt mācīties
seed. She seeded carrots in her garden.
sākt mācīties
to plant. I have a house and a son, now it's time to plant a tree.
siać, obsiewać
sākt mācīties
sow. We'll sow this field with barley
sākt mācīties
to water. Don't forget to water the flowers.
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
gutter. Water was running along the gutter
sākt mācīties
visionary. George Lucas was a visionary when it comes to special effects
sākt mācīties
moss. Which side of a tree does the moss grow on?
sākt mācīties
bark. Birches have white bark.
sākt mācīties
a bread roll. Would you like a roll with jam?
sākt mācīties
flower pot. He bought me a flower in a pot.
sākt mācīties
a lawn. He stepped out onto the lawn. I have to mow the lawn
sākt mācīties
well. The last well in the village dried up last summer.
kostka brukowa
sākt mācīties
paving brick
posiadający dużo lub mało danej cechy
sākt mācīties
long on, short on. I've always found his movies long on style and short on content
ograniczać np. wydatki
sākt mācīties
curb. We have to curb our expenses or else we will go bankrupt.
sākt mācīties
rdzeń kręgowy
sākt mācīties
spinal cord
płat mózgowy
sākt mācīties
brain lobe
prawa półkula mózgu
sākt mācīties
right hemisphere of the brain, right brain
sākt mācīties
pień mózgu
sākt mācīties
zdobyć, gromadzić (np. jakąś informację)
sākt mācīties
glean. I am not able to glean any useful information from the producer's site. What tips can we glean from those who do it for a living?
sākt mācīties
leaky. Engine was leaky which caused fatal accident
przeprowadzić np. eksperyment
sākt mācīties
conduct. It's not safe to conduct this experiment outside laboratory conditions
ograniczony (do czegoś). np. ograniczony do przebywania w swoim pokoju
sākt mācīties
confined. But I did spend two days confined to my apartment,
na pokładzie np. statku czy samolotu.
sākt mācīties
aboard. Welcome aboard the flight to New York. We will go aboard the ship exactly at noon
borykać się z
sākt mācīties
grapple with. As we grapple with our new routines, what advice can we glean from people who have already spent months in isolation?
mieszkanec (formal)
sākt mācīties
środowisko życia
sākt mācīties
habitat. I've seen foxes in the zoo, but not in their natural habitat.
kopuła (dotyczy kształtu)
sākt mācīties
dome (applies to shape)
znosić, cierpieć, wytrzymać, przetrzymać (np. ból, biedę)
sākt mācīties
endure. She endured 17 years in prison. I endured a lot of pain during those last few years
rzeźbić, drążyć np. coś w skale, rzeźbić z lodu
sākt mācīties
carve. I carved a pattern in the wood
przemiana, przekształcenie np. że ktoś przeszedł przemianę
sākt mācīties
transition. The transition from a boy to a man is always difficult. The Polish society is currently at the stage of transition
czas wolny, rekreacja.
sākt mācīties
leisure activities. In the habitat, participants spent about seven to eight hours on sleep, three to four hours on leisure activities,
rozpamiętywać coś.
sākt mācīties
dwell on. Don’t dwell on the negative and forgive yourself for making mistakes. Stop dwelling on your problems, it won't help
wspó wspólne obowiązki
sākt mācīties
shared. Dunn’s crew had a schedule for splitting shared household duties.
bariera np. językowa
sākt mācīties
barrier. They seemed to be experiencing a language barrier
zapewniać, dostarczać.
sākt mācīties
provide. We provide food and a bed to sleep in. The school provides free books for all pupils. Our materials are provided to us by a local manufacturer
w zależności od czegoś
sākt mācīties
depending on something. We will go on a shorter or longer trip, depending on the weather. He'll be here in a couple of hours, depending on traffic.
działać komuś na nerwy
sākt mācīties
get on someone's nerves. Oh, stop it, you're getting on my nerves! but there might also be something about six months of living together that makes people get on each other’s nerves.
wychwyt zwrotny serotoniny
sākt mācīties
serotonin reuptake
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
nadmiar, nadwyżka. Bank trzyma nadwyżki pieniędzy w rezerwie.
sākt mācīties
surplus. The bank keeps a large surplus of money in reserve. Surplus wheat and cotton are shipped abroad
przekraczać np. limit. Nie przekreczaj limitu bo będę musiał Cię oblać. Przekroczyłeś limit prędkości.
sākt mācīties
exceed. Don't exceed the time limit or I'll have to fail you. You exceeded the speed limit. The weight of the letter should not exceed 500 grams.
ścieżka neuronalna
sākt mācīties
neural pathway
sākt mācīties
gripping. The book was so gripping that I just couldn't put it down
Naostrzyła ołówek.
sākt mācīties
She sharpened her pencil.
Podczas dyskusji możesz swobodnie mówić.
sākt mācīties
You can speak freely during the discussion.
Właśnie zastanawiałem się nad tym.
sākt mācīties
I was just wondering about this.
Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś, dlaczego tak się stało?
sākt mācīties
Have you ever wondered why it happened?
Jake miał siniak na lewym ramieniu.
sākt mācīties
Jake had a bruise on his left arm.
Twoje usta są sine z zimna.
sākt mācīties
Your lips are blue from cold.
Wczoraj przeszedłem zabieg kosmetyczny z bo miałem opadającą powiekę
sākt mācīties
I got beauty treatment yesterday cause I had dropping eyelid.
Bank odmówił mi pożyczki.
sākt mācīties
The bank refused to lend me any money.
Atmosfera była napięta.
sākt mācīties
The atmosphere was tense.
Rozładować napięcie.
sākt mācīties
Defuse tension.
Zgadzamy się, prawda?
sākt mācīties
We're agreed, aren't we?
Nasze miasto było wielokrotnie ostrzeliwane podczas wojny.
sākt mācīties
Our city was shelled many times during the war.
Ta wojna zagraża jego karierze.
sākt mācīties
This war threatens his career.
Jeśli chcesz być zdrowy, musisz przejść terapie.
sākt mācīties
If you want to be healthy, you have to undergo a therapy.
Ty, młody człowieku, przeszedłeś więcej niż jakikolwiek chłopiec powinien.
sākt mācīties
You, young man, have undergone more than any boy should.
Ostatnio dużo przeszedł.
sākt mācīties
He's gone through a lot recently.
Czy kiedykolwiek próbowałeś skoku ze spadochronem?
sākt mācīties
Have you ever tried a parachute jump?
Podczas skoków na bungee czujesz przypływ adrenaliny.
sākt mācīties
You feel a surge of adrenaline during bungee jumping.
schronisko dla bezdomnych
sākt mācīties
homeless shelter
Czy możesz to ująć w sposób zrozumiały dla laika?
sākt mācīties
Could you put that in terms a layman can understand?
Chciałbym zaznaczyć, jak ważna jest dla nas.
sākt mācīties
I would like to point out how important she is to us.
Proszę, nie przerywaj mi.
sākt mācīties
Please don't interrupt me.
Jedyne, co zamierza zrobić, to wykorzystać tę sytuację i wykorzystać ją przeciwko nam.
sākt mācīties
All he's going to do is to take advantage of this situation and use it against us.
Ludzie wykorzystują jego zabawny sposób bycia i robią z niego głupca.
sākt mācīties
People take advantage of his funny way of being and they make him fool.
zrujnowane marzenia
sākt mācīties
shattered dreams
Ślepota była wyrokiem śmierci dla mojej niezależności.
sākt mācīties
Blindness was a death sentence for my independence.
Aby rządzić niektórymi z najbardziej wrogich ziem planety, niedźwiedzie nie mogą polegać wyłącznie na brutalnej sile.
sākt mācīties
To rule some of the planet's most hostile lands, bears can't lean solely on brute force.
dążyć do perfekcji
sākt mācīties
strive for perfection
Oni byli pozbawieni jedzenia przez 36 godzin.
sākt mācīties
They were deprived of food for 36 hours.
On został pozbawiony praw rodzicielskich.
sākt mācīties
He was deprived of parental rights.
Muszę pozbyć się tych starych ubrań, żeby zrobić trochę miejsca w moim pokoju
sākt mācīties
I need to do away with these old clothes to make some space in my room
Jeśli dobrze pamiętam.
sākt mācīties
If I remember rightly.
Rząd ograniczył wydatki na obronę.
sākt mācīties
The government reduced spending on defence.
To nie mój kaprys, naprawdę potrzebuję tego komputera.
sākt mācīties
It's not my fantasy, I really need this computer.
Nie powinienem ufać opinii mojego taty na ten temat.
sākt mācīties
I shouldn't trust my dad's opinon on this topic.
drażliwy temat
sākt mācīties
touchy topic

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