På buss- eller togstajonen

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lejupielādēt mp3 Drukāt spēlēt pārbaudiet sevi
jautājums atbilde
hvor er billettkontoret?,
sākt mācīties
where's the ticket office?
hvor er billettautomatene?,
sākt mācīties
where are the ticket machines?
når går neste buss til ...?,
sākt mācīties
what time's the next bus to ...?
når går neste tog til ...?,
sākt mācīties
what time's the next train to ...?
kan jeg kjøpe billett på bussen?,
sākt mācīties
can I buy a ticket on the bus?
kan jeg kjøpe billett på toget?,
sākt mācīties
can I buy a ticket on the train?
hvor my koster en ... til London?,
sākt mācīties
how much is a ... to London?
sākt mācīties
sākt mācīties
enveisbillett i første klasse,
sākt mācīties
first class single
tur-/returbillett i første klasse,
sākt mācīties
first class return
kan jeg få ... til Bristol,
sākt mācīties
I'd like a ... to Bristol
en enveisbillett,
sākt mācīties
en tur-/returbillett,
sākt mācīties
en enveis barnebillett,
sākt mācīties
child single
første klasse enveisbillett,
sākt mācīties
first class single
første klasse tur/returbillett,
sākt mācīties
first class return
når ønsker du å reise?,
sākt mācīties
when would you like to travel?
når kommer du tilbake?,
sākt mācīties
when will you be coming back?
jeg ønsker å returnere til ... på søndag,
sākt mācīties
I'd like a return to ..., coming back on Sunday
hvilken plattform trenger jeg for ...?,
sākt mācīties
which platform do I need for ...?
er dette den riktige platformen for ...?,
sākt mācīties
is this the right platform for ...?
hvor bytter jeg for ...?,
sākt mācīties
where do I change for ...?
du må bytte i ...?,
sākt mācīties
you'll need to change at...
kan jeg få en rutetabell, takk?,
sākt mācīties
can I have a timetable, please?
hvor ofte går bussen til ...?,
sākt mācīties
how often do the buses run to ...?
hvor ofte går toget til ...?,
sākt mācīties
how often do the trains run to ...?
jeg vil fornye sesongbilletten min, takk,
sākt mācīties
I'd like to renew my season ticket, please
neste tog som ankommer platform to er 16:35-toget til Doncaster,
sākt mācīties
the next train to arrive at Platform 2 is the 16.35 to Doncaster
toget er forsinket,
sākt mācīties
the train's running late
toget har blitt innstilt,
sākt mācīties
the train's been cancelled

Lai ievietotu komentāru, jums jāpiesakās.