Prezentarea unui punct de vedere - Presenting a point of view

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jautājums atbilde
Personal, cred că există dovezi care demonstrează faptul că...
sākt mācīties
Personally, I think there is evidence which proves that...
Mulți susțin că...
sākt mācīties
Many argue that...
Se presupune adesea că...
sākt mācīties
It is often alleged that...
Mulți oameni / oameni de știință suțin că...
sākt mācīties
Most people / scientists would argue that...
Din câte știu...
sākt mācīties
To the best of my knowledge...
Toată lumea crede că...
sākt mācīties
It is popularly believed that...
Unii oameni afirmă că ..., dar alții...
sākt mācīties
Some people claim that ... but others...
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