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jautājums atbilde
Go to this address, please.
sākt mācīties
Vá para este endereço, por favor.
Could you take me to...?
sākt mācīties
Você poderia me levar para ...?
How long does it take to get there?
sākt mācīties
Quanto tempo leva para chegar lá?
How far is it to the restaurant?
sākt mācīties
Quão longe é para o restaurante?
How much is it to the ...?
sākt mācīties
Quanto custa ao...?
How much is the fare/ride to the Ritz Hotel?
sākt mācīties
Quanto custa a tarifa / corrida para o Hotel Ritz?
Can I put my luggage in the trunk?
sākt mācīties
Posso colocar minha bagagem no porta-malas?
Do you have the address?
sākt mācīties
Você tem o endereço?
I can take you there.
sākt mācīties
Eu posso levar-te lá.
It’s about 10 minutes from here.
sākt mācīties
São cerca de 10 minutos daqui.
It’s about 15 miles.
sākt mācīties
São cerca de 15 milhas.
It’ll cost about US$ 20.00
sākt mācīties
Vai custar cerca de US $ 20,00
It’s about US$ 10.00
sākt mācīties
Cerca de US $ 10,00
Let me take care of your luggage.
sākt mācīties
Deixe-me cuidar da sua bagagem.
I’ll get your luggage.
sākt mācīties
Eu vou pegar sua bagagem.

Lai ievietotu komentāru, jums jāpiesakās.