0 cilvēki to mīl. Polub!

michalpawlowski123 michalpawlowski123

Kopš tā laika izmantoju VocApp1930dienas. Es esmu autore12komplekti. Pēdējo reizi jūs varētu mani redzēt2019-01-17 16:16:37.

Manas intereses


Veidlapas, ko es izdarīju

Lesson 13, subject 2, Natural disasters
Lesson 13, subject 3, Damaging the environment
Lesson 13, subject 4, Green living
Lesson 13, subject 5, Wildlife
Lesson 13, subject 6, Plants
Lesson 13, subject 7, Animals
Lesson 13, subject 8, Pets, Keeping pets
Lesson 14, subject 1, Problems
Lesson 14, subject 2, Country
Lesson 14, subject 3, Government
Lesson 14, subject 4, Parliament
Lesson 14, subject 5, Political parties

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