Verbe neregulare 4 - Irregular verbs 4

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jautājums atbilde
a semăna
Majoritatea semințelor pe care le-am semănat au fost mâncate de păsări.
sākt mācīties
sow - sowed - sown
Most of the seeds I'd sown were eaten by birds.
a vorbi
Am vorbit cu ea abia ieri.
sākt mācīties
speak - spoke - spoken
I spoke to her only yesterday.
a lumina / a străluci
Luminează cu lanterna aici, nu pot vedea nimic.
sākt mācīties
shine - shone - shone
Shine the torch over here, I can't see anything.
a dormi
Noaptea trecută am dormit ca un copil.
sākt mācīties
sleep - slept - slept
Last night I slept like a baby.
a arunca
El și-a aruncat sacul peste umăr.
sākt mācīties
sling - slung - slung
He slung the sack across his shoulder.
a încălța
El era încălțat în niște cizme care arătau foarte ciudat.
sākt mācīties
shoe - shod - shod
He was shod in very strange looking boots.
a se micșora / a se strânge
Mă tem că puloverul tău s-a micșorat la spălare.
sākt mācīties
shrink - shrank - shrunk
I'm afraid your jumper has shrunk in the wash.
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