Danish in 1 day

Danish in 1 day
The course that teaches you all the basics that beginners need to know!

So you’ve heard that unusual sounding language that fills our TV screens with Nordic Noir dramas?
If you’ve been hooked then you should learn more about this beautiful scandinavian language!
This course provides lessons on topics such as numbers, greetings, and the most used verbs and nouns in Danish
Our system of flashcards gives you the best chance possible of remembering your newfound Danish so that you can continue to build on these basic language foundations
Reģistrējieties bez maksas

Šis kurss ir 100% bezmaksas . Mēs jums to sniedzam, lai jūs varētu redzēt, cik efektīvi un patīkami jūs varat mācīties kopā ar mums :)
10 words in 60 seconds - 10 ord på 60 sekunder10 words in 60 seconds - 10 ord på 60 sekunder  
10 speciālā zīme
You already know that:) - Det ved du allerede:)You already know that:) - Det ved du allerede:)  
10 speciālā zīme
Questions - SpørgsmålQuestions - Spørgsmål  
10 speciālā zīme
Courtesy Phrases - HøflighedsfraserCourtesy Phrases - Høflighedsfraser  
17 speciālā zīme
People - FolkPeople - Folk  
29 speciālā zīme
Activities - HandlingerActivities - Handlinger  
17 speciālā zīme
Untranslatable - UoversætteligeUntranslatable - Uoversættelige  
8 speciālā zīme

speciālā zīme